Who Is The Healthy Habits Hero In Your Home?

Disclosure: I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for LISTERINE. I received samples for this review and a promotional item to thank me for participating.

My Mama always told me that the most important thing in life was to take good care of your health, especially where oral health is concerned. Mama said you only get one permanent set of teeth and once those go, no replacement will ever work the same.

What she failed to mention to me was that baby teeth are just as important to care for in order to ensure a healthy set of adult teeth. Em sprouted her first two bottom teeth by the time she had turned only four months old. We noticed them during a check up with her pediatrician. Knowing that children should be taken to the dentist when teeth emerge I called to make an appointment with our pediatric dentist.

I was shocked and disappointed to learn that it was not necessary to bring her in for an oral examination until the age of three. Nevertheless I began to brush her teeth and care for them just as I would my own teeth, sans any toothpaste. Regularly we would clean her gums as well. During a conference I was attending, there was a panel of dental experts, so I told them what I had been informed. Their answer was unanimous, find a new dentist!

And so we did, and I am thankful for it. I’ve learned so much about the importance of caring for baby teeth as a first step to the more permanent adult teeth. From my tiniest littles to us bigger adults in the house, its important that we all know how to properly care for our oral health. After all the littles watch us as role models and follow what we do.

Now that J-bird is on his “own” away at school I check up on him from time to time to make sure he is taking good care of his teeth. Being a young adult good hygiene is at the top of his list, guess he really wants to impress the girls. He visited this past weekend and as we were heading out the door I caught a whiff of some morning breath.

Naturally I asked him if he had brushed his teeth. His answer was of course, but more shockingly he asked why I was asking. When I told him he asked me to wait so he could go brush them again because “I take this very seriously”. I sort of giggled under my breath at how serious he was really being with the situation. I reminded him that flossing and using mouth wash in combination with brushing is just as important to keep his mouth feeling fresh.

He went straight to the bathroom and asked where he could find some. Typical teenager totally missed the LISTERINE  Smart Rinse mouthwash and LISTERINE floss sitting right on the counter. The best part? It’s alcohol free making it safe for children ages six and up! No worries for mama and papa.

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The Smart Rinse mouthwash made him feel like a super hero. It is so easy to use, even children over the age of six can begin feeling refreshed in the morning. All you need to do is remove the cap from the bottle and squeeze to fill the pre-measured 10ml line. No worries if you fill it too much because the excess will drip back down into the bottle. Pour the Smart Rinse into a cup, into your mouth and gargle like a champ! I felt like a true Healthy Habit Hero!

Papa doesn’t always have a lot of time when he’s running out the door and sometimes forgets to rinse with mouthwash. To keep on top of him I keep a pack of LISTERINE POCKETPAKS by his car keys. The POCKETPAKS breath strips are a quick and easy alternative that will keep your breath feeling and smelling fresh. He grabs them on his way out the door and slips them into his pocket to use throughout the day since he is interacting with clients all day long. It’s discreet to be taken anywhere you go, especially since flossing takes a lot of time for him due to his permanent retainers.


I opted out of getting permanent retainers after having my braces removed. Now being free from my braces, the agonizing torture of flossing has been replaced with a new-found appreciation for it. I’ve already had a cavity filled and even after the braces there is still a small tight gap on my left side that traps food like it’s going out of style. If I don’t remove it immediately it starts to hurt my gums. Keeping floss on hand and in the car with me is so important.

Flossing is so quick and easy, especially with the right kind of floss. My favorite is definitely the LISTERINE ULTRACLEAN mint floss. It’s smooth and cleans quickly and properly the first time. It stretches and flexes to fit between teeth without breaking due to tight spacing. Fortunately LISTERINE has several different types of floss to fit your needs.


So whether you are just starting out on your path to becoming a Healthy Habit Hero or refining your oral care ways, LISTERINE has a vast line of products meant to fit the needs of everyone in your family.

Be sure to check out the LISTERINE website to see where you can purchase these and more products for your family’s needs. They even have a where you can see the Healthy Habit Heroes video series featuring your favorite products.

Disclosure: I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for LISTERINE. I received samples for this review and a promotional item to thank me for participating. All opinions and experiences are those of my own and not have not been influenced in any way. The disclosure is done in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission 10 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.


Mama E

Multitasking mama to 3 living in Miami. Blogging about parenting, lifestyle, cooking and traveling. Covering everything from diapers to dorm rooms. Ask me anything, I've done it all.

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