Tag / toddler

affordable children's clothing walmart healthtex childrens clothing toddler clothes

Affordable Toddler Clothing by Healthtex at Walmart!

The girls are growing up faster than I care for it to be happening. Em is almost 4, and Preemie is, well not so preemie anymore – she recently turned 2. One of the best things I loved about having two girls back to back was being able to save money on clothes with hand me downs from big sis to little sis. However, that’s not always the case since sometimes the clothes just don’t make by the time it’s Preemies turn to wear them.

Making Playtime A Bonding Experience #ExerSaucerExplorer

Disclosure: This is a sponsored campaign in collaboration with Evenflo and Latina Bloggers Connect. I have received compensation and/or product samples. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own.
My sister and I were born 13 years apart. That is a huge gap when it comes to being “friends” in childhood. It’s actually almost like having a second mother and gives great meaning to the term “older” sister.

Infantino Fresh Squeezed Feeding Line Party and Review

Update: There is now a simplified version of this baby pouch maker available on !! Infantino fresh squeezed simple squeeze kit. Whether you’re squeezing your own homemade creations or storing bulk sacks as single servings, the simple squeeze kit offers everything you need in one easy-touse kit. Includes a filling tube, press, 10 pouches and caps.
Baby Em’s and I were one of the lucky families picked to review the brand new Infantino Fresh Squeezed Feeding Line.