Today’s post – Milestones Beyond Crawling, Talking and Walking: Milestones By Age Five – is made possible with support from the Association of University Centers on Disabilities through a cooperative agreement with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” program. All opinions are my own. This post contains an affiliate link.
Tag / milestones
This post made possible through the support of Cochlear. The typical signs of hearing loss in children graphics were provided by . All opinions and experiences are my own.
Every year throughout elementary and middle school we had a wellness exam which was conducted by the school. We were weighed, our height checked, body mass index, vision and a hearing test. Raise your left hand if you hear the sound in your left ear, right hand if you hear it in your right ear.
Disclosure: This is a sponsored campaign in collaboration with Pampers. However, all experiences and opinions are always 100% my own as this post is written by me in its entirety.
Old school mamas will tell you that the type of diaper you use on your baby doesn’t matter, so long as the baby is covered up. I am a bit old school and new school in the diaper area. With J-bird, 18 years ago, we tried everything – cheap, expensive, and in-between.
Join Us for the Pampers Love at First Sight Twitter Party #PampersPrimerasVeces Feb. 12th @ 9pm EST!
Disclosure: This is part of a sponsored collaboration with and Pampers. However, all opinions expressed are my own.
Join us for the Pampers “Love at First Sight” Twitter Party #PampersPrimerasVeces!
Mark your calendars and come join me as I co-host the #PampersPrimerasVeces Twitter Party on Thursday, February 12th from 9-10pm EST!
Love at first sight for this mama is a feeling I get when seeing and holding her little one for the first time.
This is part of a sponsored collaboration with Latina Mom Bloggers and Pampers. All opinions are 100% mine.
My definition of love at first sight is that feeling I get when I hold my baby for the first time. AB aka Preemie was born 10 weeks premature. When she made her arrival I wasn’t even sure I would be able to hold her right away. Preemie spent the first eight weeks of her life in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the hospital.