Tag / evening wear

Fun, Flirty And At A Steal! #CGFashion #CableandGauge

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Cable & Gauge. All opinions are 100% my own.
After having two children back to back I haven’t made the time for myself to get to the gym. I find myself making tons of excuses instead of making time. I’ve lost the baby weight thanks to nursing, but I still have to lose my baby weight.
Shopping for clothes is never fun for me because I feel like nothing fits right or isn’t available in my size.

Dress Your Best – Do It the Dress First Way

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of DressFirst.com

As a stay at home mom to three my life is pretty full and busy. Hubby and I try to accept invitations to functions as often as possible to give ourselves some couple time. The best part about going out is definitely dressing up! From cute cocktail dresses to evening attire, looking just right to make that first impression stick is the greatest feeling in the world.