Tag / domestic violence

It’s Time To Talk Seriously About Domestic Abuse #PurplePurse

Disclosure: This is a sponsored campaign in collaboration with Allstate Foundation® and Latina Bloggers Connect. However, this was my chance to tell my story, so all thoughts expressed are my own.
What many people don’t like to talk about is the one thing that is hurting them the most. It’s too embarrassing and its considered a family secret, so its kept quietly hidden in the family.

RIP Christine of Adventures of a Thrifty Mama

It’s a sad day in the world of bloggers when we lose one of our own.
RIP to Mama Christine of Adventures of a Thrifty Mama and her son.

If you have a moment please stop by her Facebook page here to leave a few kind words to her surviving 3 children and family.
Christine and her son were murdered by her estranged husband (the boys step-father.)
You can learn more about the story here.
Domestic Violence is real and it takes the lives of loved ones. If you see something, say something.