Tag / digital hd movies

Inside Out Giveaway – Family Movie Night Activities & More

If you’ve ever had to move as a child you know that it can be a time that is filled with emotions. Children feel all sorts of emotions throughout their day, and getting to know them is a healthy part of growing up. Understanding emotions allows a child to express themselves without fear of what is happening. Joy is a favorite emotion in our home – especially with the girls.

Last night we enjoyed a family movie night with all of our emotions from Inside Out.

McFarland, USA: Film Review A Tale Of Community, Culture And An American Dream

What happens when you bring cross-country running into a little town called McFarland? You learn lessons about life, people and community living. You learn about what hard work really is and how when you work hard, it can pay off big.
Sports in movies seems to be an ever-increasing popular subject. As a mama of a sports player, I truly have a fond appreciation when I see a new movie release related to sports, but it is really the underlining story that attracts me to any given sports movie.