Disclosure: I have been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card. This post contains an affiliate link. However, all opinions are my own.
Several years back after the birth of Em I gifted Papa with a beautiful digital camera. It was the only thing he had asked for, and naturally said it was so that he would be able to take pictures of our brand new baby. How could I resist???
We try not to use the word “mine” too often because as a family everything is “ours”.
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Join Us for the Pampers Love at First Sight Twitter Party #PampersPrimerasVeces Feb. 12th @ 9pm EST!
Disclosure: This is part of a sponsored collaboration with and Pampers. However, all opinions expressed are my own.
Join us for the Pampers “Love at First Sight” Twitter Party #PampersPrimerasVeces!
Mark your calendars and come join me as I co-host the #PampersPrimerasVeces Twitter Party on Thursday, February 12th from 9-10pm EST!
Love at first sight for this mama is a feeling I get when seeing and holding her little one for the first time.