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Tag / bugs
Mama’s Mission welcomes you to the
Backyard Explorers Kit Giveaway!
Looking for something fun to do with the kids this summer? How about exploring nature and all things creepy crawly! Orkin is here to introduce your kids to the amazing world of bugs with the Backyard Explorers Kit. Bugs are an essential part of learning and science, and this kit will keep your kids entertained for hours.
When life hands you dung, just roll with it. At Orkin, we never stop learning.
Mama’s Mission
welcomes you to the
Orkin Home Education Kit Giveaway!
There is nothing worse than finding unwanted visitors in your home. Living in Miami we get several well-known creepy crawlers. Sugar ants love water, big ugly water bugs like to fly and grain weevils enjoy eating cereal and pasta! I am very diligent about keeping my house clean, but I can’t speak for my neighbors.