Tag / Broadway Show

Mamma Mia the Musical is a must see - whenever and wherever you can find it playing! Based on the song of ABBA, Mamma Mia is a winner all around.

Mamma Mia The Musical – Farewell Tour – Based On The Music Of ABBA!

Mamma Mia – Here we go again! Broadway in Fort Lauderdale brings back Mamma Mia the Musical for its Farewell Tour to South Florida. In continuation with my partnership with Broadway Across America, I attended opening night of Mamma Mia and I’m sure glad I didn’t miss it. Unfortunately it was only here for a short visit, although you can still catch a performance until May 21st at 8pm. If you have the ability to drop everything and go see, I highly recommend you do.

Beauty and the Beast Ticket Lottery – Online Lottery For All Shows

Broadway in Fort Lauderdale is bringing Beauty and the Beast back to South Florida next week and you can “Be Our Guest” by scoring amazing seats for dirt cheap prices! That’s right, everyone has a chance to see the show thanks the newly announced online lottery being held by the Broward Center for the Performing Arts with $28 tickets to see Beauty and the Beast from June 15th to June 19th.