Tag / blogging

How To Monetize Your Blog Through Blogger Networks

So you want to learn how to monetize your blog. It’s been three years now since I’ve started blogging. When I started out I didn’t even know what the word monetization was in relation to blogging. This was supposed to just be for fun, right? Don’t most blogs start off that way; just as a therapeutic way to either share information or put your feelings down on paper – the internet.

Bloggers Beware: I Didn’t Think It Could Happen, But It Did!

Updated 12/16/16: Her criminal ways have finally caught up with her! She took her scamming ways offline and onto the streets of Iowa, stealing thousands from everyday people trying to feed their families.
“They were all targeted by this same woman, Teri Hardy Hatland who owns an Iowa business called Street Repeats who promised them she was holding a Sioux Falls Holiday Market at the Convention Center Nov. 18-20.  They signed up, because Hardy Hatland had already held a show in July.

Blog Newbie Twitter Chat for New Bloggers With Prizes! 4/6/15 at 9pm EST

Disclosure: This is part of a sponsored collaboration with Bloggin’ Mamas.  However, all opinions expressed are my own.
Come join me tonight for the #BlogNewbie Twitter chat at 9pm EST with Bloggin’ Mamas to get all the answers you need to help get your blog up, running and succeeding! Allow us to take you from Blog Newbie to Blog Expert.

New Orleans Hotel Collection Now Offers Stash Hotel Rewards

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links for the iRetreat conference and Stash. All opinions are 100% mine!
This year I am limiting the number of blogging conferences I will be attending but at the same time trying out new ones when I do. One of those I have planned for 2015 is the iRetreat conference being held in New Orleans in June with the lovely women from Double Duty Divas.

Bloggin’ Mamas #2015Ready Twitter Chat Tues. Jan. 6 at 9p EST

Blogging is hard work. There is no wrong way to blog, but there is always a better way! Let’s chat about it.
Are you #2015Ready? Need help building a better blog? Join Bloggin’ Mamas Tuesday, January 6th for a twitter chat to help you do just that.
It’s a New Year, so out with the old doubts on blogging and in with new tips and insights.