Tag / best buy

It’s #HintingSeason Again! Best Buy Has The Canon EOS Rebel T5i I Want!

Disclosure: I have been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card. This post contains an affiliate link. However, all opinions are my own.
Several years back after the birth of Em I gifted Papa with a beautiful digital camera. It was the only thing he had asked for, and naturally said it was so that he would be able to take pictures of our brand new baby. How could I resist???
We try not to use the word “mine” too often because as a family everything is “ours”.

Look No Further Than Best Buy For The LG OLED TV This #HintingSeason

Disclosure: I have been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card. This post contains an affiliate link. However, all opinions are my own.
Papa works hard all day so that I can stay home and raise our children. When Papa isn’t working and the kiddos are off to sleep, he loves to watch TV for downtime. I read while he catches up on his favorite shows.
Being that Papa works in the technology field, he simply is not able to accept anything but the best.