Tag / Batman

Know someone that loves LEGO's and Batman? The LEGO Batman Movie is hitting theaters on February 10th. Enter to win the LEGO Batman Movie Giveaway!

LEGO Batman Movie Giveaway – $25 Visa Gift Card & More!

The LEGO Batman Movie Giveaway is a sponsored post for, and prizing has been provided by, Warner Bros.
When J was just a little boy he was a huge LEGO fan – he really loved to use his imagination and build, build, build. Another of his favorites was everyone’s favorite superhero, Batman. I mean who didn’t love Batman, and of the course the very cool Batmobile.

Have you heard? There's a new The LEGO Batman movie trailer that was just released! Two of them in fact, with the movie expected to be released in 2017.

The LEGO Batman Movie Trailer Just Released!

Have you heard? There’s a new The LEGO Batman movie trailer that was just released! Two of them in fact, with the movie expected to be released in 2017. If you already saw and loved the first teaser trailer then you will flip over the second. Check out the Wayne Manor BATMAN LEGO teaser trailer and don’t forget to share it with your friends!

The LEGO Batman Movie will be in theaters on February 10, 2017.