Tag / app

Don’t you wish it was easier to manage life sometimes? As a parent, things can get pretty crazy when you’re juggling several calendars. Here’s your chance to learn more and enter to win the $250 Calroo Family Organizer app prize pack giveaway!

$300 Calroo Family Organizer App Prize Pack Giveaway – Ends 4/12

Don’t you wish it was easier to manage life sometimes? As a parent, things can get pretty crazy when you’re juggling several calendars. Fortunately there’s a neat new family organizer app helping make family’s daily life EASIER! The Calroo Family Organizer app can make your life so much easier by organizing it at the tap of a button! I have teamed up with Calroo Family Organizer to introduce you to this one of a kind app that makes your life so much easier.

Looking for a tutor for your child? The My Tutor Lab app, with services in Florida, is an easy way to connect with a qualified tutor for your child. Enter to win the $100 Visa Gift Card giveaway and $25 My Tutor Lab app credit to get your child started on the path to learning.

$100 Visa Gift Card Giveaway & $25 My Tutor Lab App Credit – Ends 4/19

Finding a responsible and qualified tutor was harder than I ever thought possible. Key word is was…but now with My Tutor Lab it’s as easy as opening their app and selecting your preferences.  The innovative app uses an easy-to-use platform to connect parents and students with verified tutors in their area. I have teamed up with My Tutor Lab to introduce you to this one of a kind app that makes life so much easier.

Did you know that doctors still make house calls? Find out how to find a Doctor On Demand without ever leaving the house, your insurance may even cover it!

How To Find A Doctor On Demand Without Leaving Home

This post was sponsored by Doctor On Demand as part of a Blog Blast Activation for Influence Central. All opinions are 100% my own.
Remember when you could pick up the phone and your doctor would show up at your door at your convenience? Finding a doctor that does house calls is near impossible. But who has time to schedule a visit three months in advance, or worse, try to get a last-minute sick visit, leaving you sitting in a waiting room for hours.