Despite living in beautiful Miami, we are no less immune to catching a cold or the flu than anyone else. In fact, when I catch a cold it seems to linger on FOREVER! The pain of a sore throat is unbearable. It’s hard to eat, swallow and even breathe.
Are you ready? Have you stocked up for cold and flu season? Well, now is the time to do so because the weather has changed and we’re headed for a bad winter the weatherman states.
Tag / adults
Scooters have come a long way! I remember when you have to use your foot to propel yourself just a few feet. Now scooters come in an array of style and varieties, included electric and battery-powered versions. And they aren’t just for kids, adults are having a blast with them too.
Razor Pocket Mod
The Hottest Ride On The Block
The Pocket Mod™ gives young girls with a passion for fashion a stylish set of wheels that is sure to turn heads.
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Have you ever wondered if you are suffering from a cold in the middle of summer, or if it might be the start of seasonal allergies? Here is a list of symptoms that can help you try to determine the difference between the two so that you can be better prepared when you go to visit the doctor.Papa Bear suffers from year round allergies, it’s not fun at all.
For me the biggest pointer towards seasonal allergies was definitely symptoms lasting longer than 10 days.
Mama’s Mission
welcomes you to the
Panasonic Coffee Maker Giveaway!
I love my single cup brewer, but sometimes I miss the freshness of my drip coffee maker. If you prefer fresh coffee the good ole way then I want to introduce you to the latest, and prettiest, drip coffee maker from Panasonic, a name you already know and trust.
Jenns Blah Blah Blog and all her favorite bloggers have come together to bring you a chance to winning this SUPER AWESOME coffee maker by Panasonic.