Its my birthday and I’ll give out prizes if I want to! Okay, no more corny jokes. Seriously though, enter the Rafflecopter below for your chance at one of two prizes $20.00 Grand Prize and $5 Runner Up Prize. You tell me if you prefer Paypal Cash or Amazon GC.
You gotta be in it to win it!
A big THANK YOU to my fellow bloggers and entrepreneurs: Jenn’s Blah Blah Blog, Simply Shawn & Jenn, Mom to Grandma, Make or Break, Clays Craft and Candle Creations, Danielle’s Dandys and Cotton Candy Totes!
Comments (13)
Happy Birthday! 🙂
Happy Birthday!
Had plenty of positive experiences at BabiesRUS, but one negative experience was when my husband and I took our daughter there to buy a toy with her bday money. She just turned 3 and was so excited to give the cashier lady her cash to pay and the lady looked at us and rudely said “no not yet, do you have your rewards card?”. We were just taken back (especially b/c of the way she said it), she could have easily taken the money with a smile and put it to the side and then asked for the rewards card. :/ Our daughter’s excitement faded and she thought she did something wrong.
Happy Birthday to you!! Happy Birthday To You!!! Happy Birthday to you..
Everything has been pretty cool!
Help to everyone and happy Birthday to everyone including me!
No experiences with Babies R Us, sorry
Hope you are having a great birthday. Thanks for letting us celebrate with you!
happy birthday! coming from your fellow blahblahgiveaways member on FB. =)
happy birthday! wish you all the best! ^_^
Happy Bday mama. 😀
Happy happy birthday!