Infantino Fresh Squeezed Feeding Line Party and Review

Update: There is now a simplified version of this baby pouch maker available on !! Infantino fresh squeezed simple squeeze kit. Whether you’re squeezing your own homemade creations or storing bulk sacks as single servings, the simple squeeze kit offers everything you need in one easy-touse kit. Includes a filling tube, press, 10 pouches and caps.

Baby Em’s and I were one of the lucky families picked to review the brand new Infantino Fresh Squeezed Feeding Line. Here is what we received in our box: Station

  • Includes 1-squeeze station, 3-tubes, 1-press and 10-squeeze pouches
  • Soft rubber press allows for easy grip
  • Non-skid base
  • Holds up to 4 oz. of your homemade puree
  • Dishwasher safe
  • BPA, PVC & phthalate free Squeeze Pouch

  • Includes 1 Reusable Squeeze Pouch and 1 travel clip that can attach to bag or stroller
  • Dishwasher safe
  • BPA, PVC & phthalate free Pack of Disposable Squeeze Pouches

  • Includes 50 Squeeze Pouches
  • Child safe cap
  • Front panel for labeling
  • Food and freezer safe
  • BPA, PVC & phthalate free of Spoons

  • Includes 2 spoons, 1 case and travel clip
  • Dishwasher safe
  • BPA, PVC & phthalate free and Smush

  • Includes 1-smush masher, 1-vented lid, 1-steam basket and 1-smush bowl
  • Soft, easy-to-grip rubber handle stays cool
  • Microwave safe
  • Dishwasher safe
  • BPA, PVC & phthalate free Puree

  • Non-skid base
  • Stainless steel blade
  • Holds up to 1.5 cups of food at a time
  • Disassembles for easy washing and storage
  • BPA, PVC & phthalate free


We called a bunch of our friends to come over. A few weren’t able to make it but promised they will make it up to us and they can’t wait to get a taste! We went to the market to buy what we would need to get this party started.  We bought strawberries, blueberries, bananas, pears and carrots.

The moms got to work prepping the fruits by washing and cutting. First we tried strawberries and blueberries and added some water. It took a few tries to figure out how to properly lock the container into the Peppy Puree to get it working. Once I got it latched we blended away!

I think I will have to continue to play with the consistencies and how much water and/or juice to add as I found that the blueberries had a hard time getting broken down (there was a lot of chunks of skin). Otherwise the blender did a great job of pureeing the fruit.The only negative I found was that as the fruit spun around and became pureed I noticed some escaping from in between the bowl and lid. Some fruit got into the crevice of the locking mechanism of the actual machine and I am not quite sure how to clean it out properly since the machine cannot be immersed in water.

We set up the squeeze station and I pulled out the instruction because I thought I could just clip the squeeze pouch in and screw on the tubes but that was not the case. The top of the squeeze station needs to be remove, the pouches slipped in properly onto the track, then the top needs to be popped back into the station. I poured the fruit into the tubes, which got a bit messy because the bowl of the Peppy Puree does not have a spout. I used the press to push the fruit down into the pouches. It did a very good job of getting the fruit into the bag, except on occasion when a piece of the blueberry skin got caught in the way and a little extra pressure had to be applied. The fit between the press and the tube was so great that if you tried to pull the press back out before removing the tube some fruit was “vacuumed” back up into the tube. All the tubes had to be removed in order to remove the top of the station and get the pouches out and/or place new ones. This was a bit of a daunting task. It wold be great if they could design it in such a way as to make the pouches easily come in and out without having to actually disassemble the squeeze station.

The Steam and Smush is a great alternative to having to pull out pots and boil water in order to soften and cook certain fruits and veggies. It was quick and easy to use and got the job done. It worked great with carrots.

The reusable squeeze pouch is fantastic. It comes with a travel clip which makes me feel secure knowing that I won’t lose it. I’m know to lose things, so I clip everything to the stroller, including the baby (no, I don’t lose the baby, I keep her clipped in!). The spoons was a fantastic accessory to have as Baby Em’s is teething and she loves to grip onto her spoons as she’s eating. They are soft enough to be gentle enough for her to do so. The carrying case with its travel clip is again a perfect on the go necessity. The spoons will always be clean and never lost.

The tubes of the Squeeze Station store within the station itself by being screwed into the bottom plate. All the parts and accessories are dishwasher safe, except for the Peppy Puree, but it comes apart easily for a quick cleaning in the sink (the blade is sharp so be careful when handling).

The children had a great time trying out and guessing the different flavor combinations we put together (sneaking in some veggies while they weren’t looking). Baby Em’s won the contest with the fewest (none actually because she doesn’t talk yet) incorrect guesses, lol.

Roundtable Discussion of Flavors

As easy as 3 simple steps. Blend, press, enjoy…

Blueberry skin not quite breaking down.

You can fill 3 pouches at a time. Creating different mixtures with each one. The pouches rest on a track and the tubes are screwed into them. Once complete, you must unscrew the tubes, lift up the purple top and then slide each pouch off and replace with a  new bag.


Different mixes using Bananas, Blueberries and Strawberries (and some hidden veggies…shh don’t tell the children!) The reserve side has lines so you can date and label the pouches.

A Mother’s Seal of Approval – Aunt Vanessa

Aunt Carol testing out the final product…and Baby Em’s trying to get her food back!

Mine, it’s all mine – so easy a 5 month old can feed herself!

Must the mamarazzi always be taking pictures? We’re eating, leave us in squeeze pouch heaven!

Spoon and Teether all in one! Lunch time carrots made quick and easy.

Yummylicious Carrots – trying to eat like a big girl

All in all I LOVE the product. With squeeze pouches being all the rage these days and costing anywhere from $1 to $3, not only am I assured of what is being put in my daughters food, but I estimate that the cost of filling each pouch (not counting the initial product investment) is approximately less than 20 cents each (50 cents when you factor in the cost of the disposable pouches – still a fabulous deal).

The Infantino Fresh Squeezed Feeding Line will be available in Babies R Us in September. There will be additional accessories (get a sneak peek here) such as Add On Funnel, Stay Cool Travel Bag, Fridge & Freezer Sleeve (for easy storing), and the Mighty Mill (for on the go blending). I can’t wait to try these additional accessories! The Squeeze Station will be very reasonably priced at $24.99 and $16.99 for the 50pk of Disposable Pouches. I think I will be purchasing additional reusable pouches as it will reduce waste and they will be convenient for around the house. However, I will definitely keep the reusable ones stocked because they will be perfect for long term freezing and when you’re on the go you can just throw them out when you are done.

Visit the Infantino website to learn more about their new Fresh Squeezed Feeding Line! I’d love to be able to give one of these away so please be sure to leave some comments about my review and the product. Hopefully I will be able to get Infantino to supply one for a giveaway for my readers!

It Ratings (out of a possible 5 ♥’s):

Pricing: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Product Design: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Ease of Use: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Product Benefits: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Child Friendly: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Overall: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 1/2

Fresh Squeezed Welcome to Fresh Squeezed – the new way to create healthy, delicious baby meals at home that go right into convenient squeeze pouches. Make it. Take it. Yum!



Disclosure: I have received the Fresh Squeezed Squeeze Station from Infantino to facilitate my review. My opinions are always my own and my readers will always be given the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Mama E

Multitasking mama to 3 living in Miami. Blogging about parenting, lifestyle, cooking and traveling. Covering everything from diapers to dorm rooms. Ask me anything, I've done it all.

Comments (70)

  • I would like to see a giveaway on this ! 🙂

  • i would love to see this as a giveaway

  • I would like to see a giveaway on this!

  • I`d like to see this as a giveaway

  • Would love to see this as a giveaway!

  • I’d love a giveaway on this..

  • Thanks for the great review. A few questions
    Could you tell me how it was to clean all the tubes and little parts – are they dishwasher friendly? Top rack only?

    Most importantly How many ounces in each pouch and will they come out with larger pouches? Those don’t look so big to me.
    Also I can’t tell from the review – can you freeze the disposable ones? or only the reusuable?

    I currently make all my food and put it into BPAfree freezable/microwavable lid-attched plastic cubes. I find this process works well because I often make WAY more than I think I am making and can easily just use more cubes and the filling process is very easy, I lay out 8 in a tray, filling 3 trays usually in a batch. Freeze most, eat the rest fresh.
    Total time after food prep is maybe 5 minutes for about 64 ounces of food.

    I love the idea of freezable pouches but only being able to fill 3 at a time – and having to disassemble the squeezer to set it up again (AND potentially clean) seems like an extra 40 minutes of work…. And I often make 3 batches in 1 night of different foods – all I have to clean in the blender in between batches (45 seconds)…

    My last curiousity is do the pouches make the food last longer. Currently fresh nonpreservative-added food lasts about 48 hours in the fridge. Do the airtight pouches make it last longer or is the same? Do they suggest adding lemon juice as a preservative?


    • Mama E

      I am going to invite Infantino to come and view your comments and see if we can get them to clarify/answer some of your questions. I will answer what I can 🙂

      Could you tell me how it was to clean all the tubes and little parts – are they dishwasher friendly? Top rack only?

      The parts were all very easy to clean. All the parts of the Squeeze Station are dishwasher safe, top rack only. The only item that is not recommended for the dishwasher is the blender and all attachments for it.

      Most importantly How many ounces in each pouch and will they come out with larger pouches? Those don’t look so big to me.
      Also I can’t tell from the review – can you freeze the disposable ones? or only the reusuable?

      The pouches hold 4 ounces each; however, they are not scored to show how much has been put in. They are the size of standard store bought pouches so I am not sure if they will come out with bigger ones. Yes, the disposable ones are intended for freezer storage as well.

      I love the idea of freezable pouches but only being able to fill 3 at a time – and having to disassemble the squeezer to set it up again (AND potentially clean) seems like an extra 40 minutes of work…. And I often make 3 batches in 1 night of different foods – all I have to clean in the blender in between batches (45 seconds)…

      Personally, I did a lot of mixing and matching and simply rinsed the parts in between. If you want to hand wash the tubes I found using my daughter’s bottle brush made it quick and easy.

      My last curiousity is do the pouches make the food last longer. Currently fresh nonpreservative-added food lasts about 48 hours in the fridge. Do the airtight pouches make it last longer or is the same? Do they suggest adding lemon juice as a preservative?

      I believe the recommendation was 48 hours in the fridge and up to 2 months in the freezer. I do not recall be advising or recommended to add lemon juice. I made pears and they kept well for up to 48 without any preservatives or anything added.

      Ultimately, the process was fun, and makes for an educational experience with older children like toddlers assisting with the Squeeze Station process and then being able to eat the fruits (or veggies) of their labor. The squeeze pouches (disposable ones) have the advantage of being able to take them with you and then throw away without any mess. I find that with my daughter the squeeze pouch makes for a much cleaner and more enjoyable meal. There are no tipping/thrown bowls to worry about. You can also take the pouch out of the freezer and let it defrost while you are on the go (not sure if you can do that with your current method) without carrying extra Tupperware or some kind of container to hold it in and then additionally requiring utensils to feed with.

      Hopefully Infantino will get a chance to respond to clarify your concerns and questions.


      • Mama E

        Katherine, I emailed Infantino and received these replies to your questions! 🙂

        Could you tell me how it was to clean all the tubes and little parts – are they dishwasher friendly? Top rack only?

        Erica – I think she is asking for your personal opinion. But is s all dishwasher safe. (See my reply above).

        Most importantly How many ounces in each pouch and will they come out with larger pouches? Those don’t look so big to me.

        Erica – The pouch is 4 ounces. A typical serving size common to what is sold pre-made at shelf. We are looking to extend the line with bigger bags as well as some other fun things.

        Also I can’t tell from the review – can you freeze the disposable ones? or only the reusuable?

        Erica, You can freezer the disposable one and the station comes with proper storing instructions.

        I currently make all my food and put it into BPAfree freezable/microwavable lid-attched plastic cubes. I find this process works well because I often make WAY more than I think I am making and can easily just use more cubes and the filling process is very easy, I lay out 8 in a tray, filling 3 trays usually in a batch. Freeze most, eat the rest fresh.
        Total time after food prep is maybe 5 minutes for about 64 ounces of food.

        I love the idea of freezable pouches but only being able to fill 3 at a time – and having to disassemble the squeezer to set it up again (AND potentially clean) seems like an extra 40 minutes of work…. And I often make 3 batches in 1 night of different foods – all I have to clean in the blender in between batches (45 seconds)…

        Erica, You should answer. Personally I find set up to be very fast and easy. (See my reply above).

        My last curiousity is do the pouches make the food last longer. Currently fresh nonpreservative-added food lasts about 48 hours in the fridge. Do the airtight pouches make it last longer or is the same? Do they suggest adding lemon juice as a preservative?

        Erica, We do not suggest additives but we do provide the magnet guideline for storage you received in your Fresh Squeezed box.


  • i would love a giveaway!!

  • I would like to see this as a giveaway.

  • very nice product it would make a great giveaway

  • Yes, yes, give-away please.

  • How awesome! Kids can see the stuff being made (although you’d have to distract them to add in some veggies). And the spoon attachments for babies? How rockin’ is THAT? Please do a giveaway on these!!!

  • i would love to see a giveaway of this! so cool!

  • way cool I would love to see this as a giveaway!!!

  • Would love to see a giveaway of this!

  • I’d like to see a giveaway of this Infantino product!

  • It Would Be awesome, lots of saving.

  • I would love to see this item in a giveaway. this would make your own baby food and purees so easy. This would be awesome for especially since I am due in Dec.!

  • Yes, this would definitely be a great giveaway! 🙂

  • I would REALLY love to see a giveaway of this!

  • I would love to see a giveaway on this! I think my kids would really like the food this makes (and mommy too).

  • love to see a giveaway of this

  • This would make a great giveaway for mommies with young kids!

  • I wouls like to see a giveaway for this product on this post

  • I’d love to see a giveaway of this!!!

  • I would like to see a giveaway of this infantino product!

  • I’d like to see a giveaway of this Infantino product!

  • i would love to see this as a giveaway

  • I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see a giveaway of this Infantino product!!!!!

  • I think it would be a great idea, if you did a giveaway of Infantino Products !!

  • I would love to see an Infantino giveaway! Thanks!!

  • My kids would this so much, great review infantino seems amazing to keep your family healthy and on the go thanks for the reivew

  • Itz wonderful product 🙂 And i would love to see this as a giveaway 🙂

  • hi. nice review. i would like to have a giveaway on this so we can try it too! cross fingers! 😉

  • This would be a great giveaway! I’d love to share this with my friends with little ones! I have teens so they may not want their food mashed up lol. My sister has babies so they’d love this!

  • I would like to see this as a giveaway.

  • would really love to see this as a giveaway since my grands both LOVE pouch food,but wont eat veges on their plates! lol

  • this would make for a great giveaway!!!

  • I would love to see this in a giveaway..

  • I would love to see a giveaway for this!

  • I would have loved to review one of these!

  • wow, what a neat product (and giveaway idea!)

  • love a giveaway

  • seriously would love this as a giveaway

  • A giveaway for this would just be the bee’s knee’s.

  • I’d like to see a giveaway of this Infantino product!

  • i would like to see a givaway of this product

  • I would like to see a giveaway of Infantino Fresh Squeezed 🙂 ty!

  • i’d like to see a giveaway of this Infantino product!

  • I would love to see a giveaway of The Infantino Fresh Squeezed Feeding Line.

  • A giveaway of this product would be great!

  • This would make a great giveaway.

  • Are you going to do a giveaway for this? I want it SUPER bad for my sister who makes her own baby food for two children! Pleeeeease.

  • I would love to see a giveaway of Infantino Fresh Squeezed Feeding Line. This would be so healthy for the children unlike that store bought bottled stuff.

  • This would be an AWESOME giveaway! I see a million uses for it in my household!
    Thanks for the chance for my input! 🙂

  • This would be an amazing giveaway opportunity!

  • I should add that it would be wonderful for providing healthy drinkable nutrition in a pinch for my toddler and it would be a great gift for a cousin that is expecting.

  • This would be a great giveaway 🙂

  • this would be great for a giveaway

  • This is fantastic! I have found that my kids will eat almost anything if it comes in a squeeze pouch. This would be so great to have!

  • would love a giveaway!

  • I would love to see a giveaway on this 😀

  • This would make a great giveaway.

  • My cousin Could of used these years ago and the Twins will be 5 in May 2013 .My cousin invented the Woombie it is a swaddling blanket and she is very busy with the Company .

  • I would like to see a giveaway of this product.

  • Would love to see a giveaway! I know a mom who could use this that I would love to give this to!

  • Sure, this giveaway would be wonderful!

  • Would love to see a review of this product!


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