Have you ever wondered how to pick the freshest fruits and vegetables during the winter season? Let me show you just how easy it is!

How To Pick The Freshest Fruits And Vegetables During The Winter Season

This post was sponsored by Fresh From Florida as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central, however all opinions expressed are my own. 

Having been born and raised in NYC, I know what it’s like trying to hunt down fresh fruit or vegetables out of season. It’s practically impossible. Buying in season means purchasing produce when it’s ripe. Typically you’d have to turn to frozen fruits and vegetables to have access to them year round. Strawberries outside of summer in NYC – never! Fortunately as Floridians, we get the best of both worlds, all thanks to our milder climate. Here’s how to pick the freshest fruits and vegetables during the winter in Florida.

Have you ever wondered how to pick the freshest fruits and vegetables during the winter season? Let me show you just how easy it is!

How To Pick The Freshest Fruits And Vegetables

The fruits and vegetables grown in Florida can be found nearly year round – and earlier than you’d find of those produced in other states. A delicious perk of living in Florida is enjoying tomatoes, oranges, bell peppers, strawberries, snap beans and squash during the winter months. STRAWBERRIES ALL WINTER LONG! If you’re mouth isn’t watering just yet, keep reading!

Have you ever wondered how to pick the freshest fruits and vegetables during the winter season? Let me show you just how easy it is!

Strawberries are a go-to always at the top of the list snack that the girls enjoy. They love it whole, cut up, sprinkled with sugar, truthfully it doesn’t matter how I serve, as long as it’s available. My Mama always used to cut the strawberries in half and coat them in sugar – leaving them in the fridge covered overnight. By morning time they produced the sweetest juice you’ve ever tasted. It’s a tradition I carry on for my family now. 

Have you ever wondered how to pick the freshest fruits and vegetables during the winter season? Let me show you just how easy it is!

Emily has developed a new-found love for sliced bell peppers. Nothing on them, just slice them up into thin strips about a 1/4 inch wide and she just crunches away. Anabelle loves her tomatoes – plain. I indulge them with their favorites because I know they’re getting the freshest produce. Their school has its own produce garden. I can’t wait until we move into our new home so we can plant a garden too. Florida farmers work hard year round so we can all fresh fruits and vegetables by extending the seasonal period.

Spotting the freshest food, produce and seafood is as easy as looking for the items labeled Fresh From Florida! This is how to pick the freshest fruits and vegetables. Now that you’ve got your fresh produce list of Fresh From Florida products in hand, check out these great recipes for new ideas on how to serve up your favorite Fresh From Florida foods.

Favorites | Kid-Friendly | Strawberries

Which fruit or veggie do you like to enjoy during the winter?

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Have you ever wondered how to pick the freshest fruits and vegetables during the winter season? Let me show you just how easy it is!

Mama E

Multitasking mama to 3 living in Miami. Blogging about parenting, lifestyle, cooking and traveling. Covering everything from diapers to dorm rooms. Ask me anything, I've done it all.

Comments (16)

  • It’s difficult to find fresh produce in the winter. These are some helpful tips. Thanks!

  • This is great,I never know what’s in season or fresh ,I’ll definitely keep this page as a guide when I hit the produce section

  • Great article and very true. thanks.

  • I live in Florida and you can get so much year around. I love your suggestion with the strawberries. Sounds so good. Thank you for sharing

  • I live in Pennsylvania and would love access to strawberries all year round.

  • This is one of the great things about Florida. You can get fresh fruits and veggies all year long. Thank you so much for sharing this great idea

    • Mama E

      Yes! We just ate mango’s fresh from the tree – yummiest mango’s ever!

  • This is such a helpful post, thanks for sharing! Man do I miss living in Florida! I lived in the Orlando for 3 years and absolutely loved it! It is so nice to be able to get fresh produce all year round. 🙂

  • I will have to keep this in mind this winter. Thanks for the tips.

  • When I was in Florida, I think one of my favorite things I loved about it are the freshest fruits! They taste so much better just picked. I loved getting coconuts, mangoes and lychees right off the tree.

  • We get almost everything year round in California, but I do have trouble telling how ripe some things are

  • With winter coming, your article is right on time. I appreciate the tips and pointers on doing it right, so the veggies taste much better.

  • Thank you for your post. I love fresh fruits and vegetables. These tips are very helpful and I love your idea for strawberries.

  • Living in the Midwest, there are certain seasons you either cant get fresh or it is shipped in and horrible. Usually shipped from outside the USA. I think the worst offenders are tomatoes before season they taste like cardboard.

  • I always have trouble finding fresh fruit in winter. I usually stick to apples, grapes and bananas in winter

  • This was so super informative thanks so much.


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