Still looking for the perfect holiday gifts for kids ages 8 to 11? Look no further because Mama's got you covered with a hot list of toys kids love!

Mama’s Gift Guide: Holiday Gifts for Kids Ages 8 to 11

Holiday Gifts for Kids Ages 8 to 11 contains affiliate links.

The other day I shared with you the first two in a series of holiday toy gift guides: Kids Ages 4 and Under and Kids Ages 5 to 7. Today’s list is Mama’s Gift Guide: Holiday Gifts for Kids Ages 8 to 11. Holiday deals spring up all the time, especially in the weeks before. Shopping for our loved ones sometimes brings right upon the holiday because finding the right gift can take time. Stayed tuned for the final age group of holiday toy gift guides for kids 12 and up coming out later this week. This is going to be such a great tool for you this year, especially if you’re an Aunt, Uncle, Grandparent, or know someone who has kids that you want to buy gifts for or to put in the Toys for Tots donation gift boxes. There really is something for everyone on these lists and every budget.

Still looking for the perfect holiday gifts for kids ages 8 to 11? Look no further because Mama's got you covered with a hot list of toys kids love!

Holiday Gift Ideas for Kids Ages 8 to 11

Can we be honest for just a minute? 8 to 11 years old pretty much want everything that they see. Their ideas of what they used to like have changed from what they used to be. Good Bye Paw Patrol, and Hello Nerf Guns, magic sets, games, and lots of craft project materials!

Bloxels: Build Your Own Video Game

LEGO Friends 41130 Amusement Park Roller Coaster Building Kit

Gravity Maze


Simon Air Game

Nerf Lazer Tag Phoenix LTX Tagger 2-Pack

4M Tin Can Robot

Crayola Colored Pencils, 50 Count, Vibrant Colors, Pre-sharpened

Klutz Make Clay Charms Craft Kit

Melissa & Doug Deluxe Magic Set

ALEX Spa Sketch It Nail Pens Salon

Razor RipStik Ripster

Mega Bloks American Girl Grace’s 2-in-1 Buildable Home

Crayola Air Marker Sprayer, Marker Art Tool, Turn Markers Into Spray Art

Star Wars Eye Found It! Hidden Picture Game

Mama E

Multitasking mama to 3 living in Miami. Blogging about parenting, lifestyle, cooking and traveling. Covering everything from diapers to dorm rooms. Ask me anything, I've done it all.

Comments (1)

  • These are such great ideas. I have grandchildren in this age bracket. I will be starting my shopping soon. Thank you so much for sharing this God Bless


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