Category / Twitter Party

Finding Dory Twitter Party 11/14 @ 9PM EST RSVP #FindingDoryBD

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming! On November 14th we will be celebrating the upcoming in-home release of Disney’s Finding Dory with a fun Twitter party. During this sponsored hour we will be chatting about Dory and her new friends Hank, Destiny and Bailey as they search for Dory’s mom and dad while giving away some AWESOME prizes to participants.

Let's Boogie with Boogie Board at the #BoogieBoard Twitter Party to learn more about these neat boards on 10/13 at 9pm EST! RSVP to win fun prizes!!!

Time to Boogie at the #BoogieBoard Twitter Party 10/13/16 @ 9PM EST RSVP

We are getting ready to Boogie on down with fun and learning. Boogie Board is joining us for a very special #BoogieBoard Twitter Party tonight. During this sponsored hour we will be chatting about the new Jot 4.5 Featuring Clearview™ and the Scribble n’ Play Featuring Colorburst™ while giving away some AWESOME Boogie Board prizes to participants.

Thank you for joining me and Bloggin' Mamas for the #CareALotChallenge Twitter Party earlier this month. Have you joined the Care A Lot Challenge yet?

Have You Joined The Care A Lot Challenge With The Care Bears Yet?

Thank you for joining me and Bloggin’ Mamas for the Care A Lot Challenge Twitter Party earlier this month. I had so much fun chatting with you all! So many amazing prizes were given away, including several Care Bears Care Packages. We also received our very own Care Bears Care Packages as co-hosts – which I surprised the girls with. Please not that this post contains affiliate links.

Join The Moodsters as we celebrate their new lines of products at the #TheMoodsters Twitter Party on 9/15 at 9pm EST! RSVP to win fun prizes!!!

The Moodsters Twitter Party 9/15/16 @ 9PM EST RSVP #TheMoodsters

We are getting ready to put you a fabulous mood!!! The Moodsters are coming together to show you a good time when we host a special get together celebrating our feelings at #TheMoodsters Twitter Party. During this sponsored hour we will be chatting about everything The Moodsters while giving away some AWESOME branded prizes to participants. We’ll also be chat­ting about the line of products, now available at Toys R’ Us and .

Join the Care Bears as we celebrate the #CareALotChallenge in honor of Share Your Care Day at the Care A Lot Challenge Twitter Party on 9/8 at 9pm EST!

Care A Lot Challenge Twitter Party 9/8/16 @ 9PM EST RSVP #CareALotChallenge

How do you show the world you care? The Care Bears bring the world together every September 9th for Share Your Care Day. But first we will be hosting a special get together celebrating the brand new Care A Lot Challenge via the #CareALotChallenge Twitter Party. During this sponsored hour we will be chatting about Share Your Care Day and the launch of the #CareALotChallenge, while giving away some AWESOME Care Bears prizes to participants.