It seems like you can get milk from pretty much anything these days. While there are a lot of non-cow milks available to buy, almond milk is many people’s favorite. Not only does it taste better than cow milk, but it’s full of a lot of really helpful nutrients. When I was weaning Emily we made a transition to goat milk. At about two years old she began drinking almond milk, and Anabelle does too now, in fact we started Anabelle even younger than two to reduce her dairy intake. Anabelle had suffered from a non-stop runny nose for months, and as luck would have it as soon as we cut the dairy and turned to almond milk it stopped! If you’re looking into switching to non-dairy milk, you’ll probably be pleasantly surprised by these 5 Fantastic Health Benefits of Drinking Almond Milk!
5 Fantastic Health Benefits of Drinking Almond Milk
Healthier Skin
Did you know that drinking almond milk can make your skin healthier? One of the great benefits of drinking almond milk is that you get a lot of vitamin E, vitamin A and antioxidants per glass. Together, these vitamins and nutrients keep your skin healthy, and if it does get damaged (like from the sun) it helps to repair it. Drink almond milk often enough, and you’ll see your skin become smooth and beautiful.
Safe Source of Calcium
Just because you’re not drinking cow’s milk doesn’t mean you’re not getting calcium. Commercial almond milk is fortified to have just as much calcium as cow’s milk. And you get the benefit of knowing there are no cow hormones or other strange livestock raising additives in your milk. As a result, almond milk is a safe source of calcium, which is great as calcium is necessary to maintain strong bones and teeth. Whether you’re young or old, you need calcium to keep your skeleton strong.
Good for Your Eyes
One of the amazing benefits of drinking almond milk is that by drinking it you are helping to keep your eyes healthy. Because almond milk is full of vitamin A and other eye healthy nutrients, it is a great drink to maintain or improve your eye health. In particular, vitamin A is helpful in aiding your eyes in adjusting between the light and dark.
Heart Healthy
You’ve probably heard you should be eating more “healthy fats” like omega fatty acids. You may not like that suggestion if you don’t like fish (which are full of fatty acids). Luckily, all you have to do is drink almond milk. Almond milk is a good source of omega fatty acids, and is free of heart unhealthy things like saturated fats, sodium, and cholesterol. It also contains vitamin E, which is a great antioxidant for your heart.
Good for Your Blood Pressure
Who knew milk would be good for your blood pressure. But in fact, one of the benefits of drinking almond milk is that it can help you reduce your blood pressure and keep it at a good level. This is because almond milk is full of helpful nutrients like vitamin D which help to keep your arteries in good shape. Good arteries equal good blood flow, and the better your blood can flow the less likely you’ll have high blood pressure.
Almond milk comes in a variety of flavors. From regular to sugar free, vanilla and even chocolate, almond milk is delicious and healthy for you.
Have you ever tried a nut based milk like almond milk?
Comments (19)
I have never tried Almond Milk, I have seen it store and passed on buying it but now knowing all the health benefits, I am going to try it next shopping trip!!
Wow, I never knew this. I always declined Almond Milk, from my sister.
My grandson drank almon milk but I never did . Im not a big milk drinker but I have used it in my cereal tho. Thanks for the information on it.
I like having almond milk in my coffee, cereal and drinking it. It is very healthy and I like how it tastes!
I have a couple milk allergy so I drink almond milk daily.
I need to start drinking this for my health. I heard it tastes good. Thank you so much for sharing this. I really need to increase my calcium.
I have never tried any Nut Milks so far. I’m just afraid to buy them afraid I won’t
like them and my money will be wasted. Maybe you could have a giveaway for them
sometime that would be nice.
Wish there was a recipe to make all nut milks yourself.Think about the endless combinations!
I am actually working on some nut milk recipes! Stay tuned.
I love almond milk. It’s so yummy! 🙂
My son is lactose intolerant and almond milk is the only kind he drinks! I feel good giving it to him, not only because it doesn’t hurt him like cows milk, but also because it’s so good for him! 🙂 He is particularly fond of the vanilla almond milk.
Our girls love the Vanilla flavor. We also buy the original and add cocoa powder.
I had no idea about these benefits.And lowers blodd pressure? That is fantastic!
I never liked cow milk, I’m still deciding which alternative will be my favorite.
is it weird that i’m ok with almond milk in my smoothies, but i won’t drink it by itself or in cereal? HAHAH i did not know it’s full of vitamin A though, so that’s a awesome thing.
Have you tried the Vanilla flavored almond milk? It tastes better alone and in cereal!
Good to know, I drink almond milk all the time.
We always have almond milk in our house. The kids and my husband love it
Wow well you learn a new thing everyday if my granddaughter sint able to drink lactaid once she is old enough my daughter said she will put her on almond milk